LifespanSBEM commercial energy performance certificates
Mr Martin Russell-Croucher Head of Sustainibility at the RICS
Mr Martin Russell-Croucher Head of Sustainibility at the RICS

The inaugural Lifespan-SBEM User Group Forum was held at pt’s head office in Manchester on Wednesday 25th of November. The day was attended by qualified RICS members from as far afield as London and Aberdeen.

The form discussions were started with an introduction from pt Director David Bracegirdle, followed by a demonstration of the new graphical drawing interface, Lifespan-gdi. Mr Martin Russell Croucher, Head of Sustainability of the RICS, also attended the event to present a helicopter view of the energy agenda at European level and the implications new legislation will have on RICS members. The afternoon session involved discussion and input from all the delegates and agreement of short term Lifespan-SBEM developments that would increase day to day productivity and CEA efficiencies such as development of a boiler and air conditioning efficiency database, U-value & CM calculators and pitched roof calculators. A long term view of Lifespan-SBEM developments to enhance and bespoke the software to provide real added value for clients was also discussed within the group.

What really stood out from the day was the strong desire to differentiate RICS CEA’s from the other schemes and create tools within Lifespan-SBEM to provide and illustrate better advice to clients and demonstrate real added value in a market where EPC’s are currently considered a grudge purchase. The consensus of the group was to change the market’s view and as RICS professionals, work with clients to educate and appreciate the true benefits of a commercial energy survey.

“I'd like to thank you all for the forum event you put on yesterday. I found it very useful and am glad to see that Property Tectonics take an interest in users views and their advice on the interface. I would also like to thank you for your kind hospitality you showed us at your offices. I look forward to seeing the software develop and adapt as was discussed yesterday and would definitely be keen to be involved in this type of forum in the future.”
Gareth D Cordiner BSc(Hons) MRICS, Senior Building Surveyor at Ryden LLP

Mr Martin Russell-Croucher Head of Sustainibility at the RICSThe inaugural Lifespan-SBEM User Group Forum
Lifespan DEC display energy performance certificates LifespanSAP domestic EPCs
Property Tectonics (pt) has over twenty years experience looking after buildings and delivering support services for people who own and use buildings.
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